Monday, April 30, 2012

Huh, who'd of thunk?

Kind of hard to eat sunflower seeds in the shell while wearing a full-face motorcycle helmet. (Yes, I was riding said motorcycle at the time.)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

Freedom of Religion?

I don't care what religion you are, or how you choose to worship, and unless your religion includes causing harm to others (physical, mental or otherwise) or unless it is a scam to rob others, go for it.

If you want to worship a silver pole a flying spaghetti creature, go for it. Worship trees, or worship the sun or worship henges standing on hills in Scotland. Go for it.

Go. For. It.

My question is why are some religions targeted or, rather, why are people that follow these religions targeted? This country was founded on freedoms that include freedom of religion. Any religion. There are a lot of different ones out there, choose which one you like and go for it.

Unless you are a politician.

Or, more sad, unless you are a Mormon.

I wasn't raised in any specific religion and chose the one I wanted to follow later. It was my decision and I made it for reasons I will tell you when I know you better. If you want to share yours, I don't mind. I like to discuss religion. I won't argue it - all I ask is that it's a civil discussion and not confrontation. What my religion is belongs to me.

My particular thistleprick this time is the political atmosphere and why it is that every time a Mormon hits the news someone slams them simply for what they believe. Someone please tell me what it is about them that is so wrong.

To my knowledge Mormons, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, are people who don't smoke or drink (as a rule) and who value clean living, staying home to raise their kids to be good and polite. They believe in getting out from under debt and managing their money.

They also (oh the horror!) believe in taking care of their fellow man and their charity efforts have benefited people all over the world. Their relief efforts are typically in motion before government agencies are able to get off the ground. Yeah, I hear they take care of their own too, but even if they do that first, they still help communities and nations all over the world.

As far as I know, they seem to be good citizens and members of society. And yeah, I know, there are some poor examples but you pick ANY group of people and you find that. I've worked in law enforcement for over 30 years (wow, I'm old...) and while cops and members of the criminal justice community are expected to live above reproach, I also know a few cops that have lied, stolen and worse. And please don't get me started on politicians.

So, again, someone please tell me exactly what is so wrong with being Mormon. Oh, I've heard that they go blindly into their religion and they don't think for themselves, but the majority that I've met don't act that way. I've also heard the comment that "they aren't Christians" but even their name includes His name and I have yet to have any of the Mormons I've known tell me anything otherwise.

I've lived in several cities and a couple different states and known Mormons both in and out of Utah. Basically, they all profess to the same tenets of their religion and share the same standards.

And while you are at it, since you are going to tell me what is so wrong with them, (oh, and please be prepared to provide proof, not just something you hear from someone who heard from someone...) tell me why being a member of this group precludes holding a political office. Revisit, if you will, my first paragraph. Unless your religion causes harm or loss to another, believe what you want.

I know that the Mormon church has been brought into the light a lot lately due to politics and even a Broadway production, but I'm still trying to see what is so wrong with that group of people. Having lived with them and among them, I'm just not seeing what is so wrong with their values nor why it should matter if someone wants to hold a political office and the belong to this religion.

And shame on anybody who defames this or any other religion without learning firsthand what the real practices or beliefs are of those people.

Tolerance my ass. Listening to political talking heads on TV one would think that the end of the world is here simply because someone who believes in these values wants to take their chance at making the world a better place.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Just Saying

If you shout ”Ambien” in the hallways at work, eyebrows will be raised.

Just saying.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Funny or not?

I'm saying no.

I haven't really had a lot of funny going on lately. At least not for me. Fleeting moments, briefly humorous but gone to quickly. I don't like to be this way - it's hard to live that way. Much harder than having a sense of humor.

I'm trying to be better about it.

Sometimes, the battle to be not un-funny is harder than you think. If you've read my other posts you already know that there I have a few employees that go out of their way to make things unpleasant for me (as well as other staff) and there are some other outside influences that are called "life" as well. Some of these struggles are major and possibly life altering. Some are just plain petty and childish.

The struggle to meet obligations (family, monetary, personal) and 
keeping the balance of work and personal life takes a toll. Even more so when the battles come from all sides and from people who you would think to be either on your side or at least who would show you the courtesy of professional respect.

I've restarted this post three times now because each time I seem to have headed towards vindictiveness. Since it's getting that way, I think I'm just going to cut this short. I'd like to get back to being funny.

Maybe by just avoiding being un-funny I can do that.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


You have a logon ID and a password for a reason. Really, you should change them from any sort of defaults and never, EVER use the same word for both your logon and password.

We stress protection so many times in so many ways. This is just one more. And it's worse when you end up placing other people's data at risk. That data is their lives.

Now, like an accidental needle stick and waiting for the Hep and AIDS tests to come back, you get to wait it out to see if someone screws with your personal data. Please watch out for others if not for yourself.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I don't know if I know how to not be tired anymore.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Thanks for reminding me.

I am sure that you have noticed that I've been writing more. I am trying to be a more productive blogger and be more regular with my entries. One of my blogging idols recently finished a blog-a-day year and while I don't know if I can compete with that, I am going to attempt to at least be more regular with my entries.

Another reason I want to do this is that I received a call at work from a friend and at the end of the call, bless her, she took the time to compliment me on my writings and suggested that I keep writing. To you, C, I owe at least part of this increase in my efforts.

And, I owe you my thanks. Too many times people think nice things, but not often say them and that's just wrong. I've known C for many years; we have worked together and she's always had nothing but kindness to share. She's that type of person.

Another person I would like to thank is J. (Yes, I know I am leaving out their names. Privacy is something I won't steal from them.) I've known J since we were in elementary school together, which translates to a long time. I am a lot older, but J hasn't aged nearly as much as I have. Thanks to social media and the blessings of reuniting with friends and family. J and I shared a few words one night discussing some of the unpleasantness in our lives. The support she shared was a beautiful surprise and, quite literally, warmed my heart and spirit.

I don't know who I write for, maybe just for myself. I see by my page views that spreading the word out on Facebook and Twitter is working. I guess I'll see what happens. If the readership continues, then maybe there really is some value to this other than me stretching my fingers on the keyboard.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Unrequited: adjective. 1. not returned or reciprocated; 2. not avenged or retaliated.

Love? Promises? Some form of misdeed?

Which side have you found yourself on - the unrequited or the non-requiter? Do you love someone that doesn't love you back? Are there promises that you have made that you failed to follow through with? What foul occurrence or wrong have you witnessed that you did nothing to repair?

Love is easy. Or rather, shared love is easy. When love is shared then two people will do anything for each other. Two people in love can overcome all obstacles. You give to each other, you share with each other and you protect and defend each other. You make life easier for each other. You comfort each other.

Unrequited love is not so easy. You do little things for the other person and if they recognize it, you might get thanked. They mean the thanks, but it isn't the same as if they love you in return. As a matter of fact, if they do recognize it, they are probably more than a little uncomfortable about it. They will minimize it to prevent acknowledging or encouraging behavior they will not or cannot return. Your defense is that you also openly minimize it to hide the pain you feel. Privately, you hurt very deeply.

Promises are easily given and too often defaulted on. "I promise that I'll bring you lunch" or "I promise I'll grab a newspaper for you." Simple, little promises that in all probability won't destroy the world of the person you make them to. And, oddly, probably more likely to be followed through with. Why is it that the big promises, the truly important ones are the ones that get broken. Think to yourself and ask, "Which promises have I made?" Then, for follow-up, ask yourself, "Which promises have I broken?" Do you find yourself in debt by your own words?

I am sorry to say this, but I do. I can think of too many instances that I've let someone down. I guess one good thing about it is that I find that these times haunt me. Maybe it will make me be a better person.


Seen any lately? Are you looking for them? Are you NOT looking for them? Do you avoid seeing them so that you don't have to act? Are you simply avoiding them or are you in denial? Is it easier in your mind to not notice or to un-see these things? Are you not seeing the bullies of the world because they are targeting someone else and you're just glad it isn't you?

Committed any lately? Have you, as the song says, "Done somebody wrong?"

Don't get wound up. I'm not saying you set out to hurt someone intentionally. But have you committed a sin of silence? Have you not said something that could have helped another? Have you done everything you can to lighten the load of another? Have you witnessed someone else struggling and turned away?

How we act, how we treat others without an audience, shows more about the type of person we are regardless of our beliefs. Or rather, about our supposed beliefs. Regardless of which, if any, church you belong to or whatever higher power in which you believe, maybe you should take a look at your life, at your self, at how you really treat people in spite of whether it will benefit you or not.

Please, take a minute and create an opportunity for yourself to grow.

I try to do just this every day.

I said I try, I did not say I succeed.

But I try.