Monday, January 17, 2022

Maybe I am violent after all...

I never really considered myself a violent person, but following a couple of discussions maybe I need to reevaluate. Maybe I am violent after all.  I am still not convinced, but there is evidence. 

One discussion involved a customer who noticed that one of our outfitters had a belt knife on and was asking about it. Now, we deal with a lot of taped boxes and cases to they do get used a lot, but the customer was asking more for information about using a knife for defense. The outfitter was explaining certain aspects of carrying one for defense and explaining different things to consider, he even let the customer hold and feel his knife. The customer turned to me and asked if I agreed with the outfitter and I said that I did, but that I prefer a tanto-tip blade rather than a drop point. When he asked why I explained that that the drop point was good for slashing and cutting but that the tanto tip was a better, stronger blade for stabbing. I got a certain look from him.

Another conversation talking about a TV show and two men were fist fighting and kept hitting each other in the face/head. I was explaining to someone that those are awfully hard places to hit and will probably hurt your hand as much as their head. Hit them with your hand, or better yet, your elbow, but hit them someplace soft. Liver punches hurt a lot. Throat punches are effective. There are other obvious places to hit.

Then I followed it up with the comment that if you are ever attacked by someone and you need to defend yourself, absolutely do NOT hit them until they are down then back away. You keep hitting them until they are stopped. You are on the defense and your life, the life of your kids, or possibly another person are at stake. Hitting someone in the head and then they fall down only works in movies and TV shows. Also, if they come at you with a weapon, any weapon, they mean you grievous bodily harm. Do not go quietly. Use your own weapon, or if you get them down take their weapon and use it against them. If they are still moving and trying to get at you, go all the way. They are not stopping and neither should you.

Again with the look. 

I then gave them an example of a mother of four who was at home with her kids and a man she did not know attempted to break into the house. She got her pistol and called the police. She told the man that she was on the phone with the police and they were on their way. She took her kids to the basement and locked the door hoping he would rob the house and leave them alone. Instead he continued to try to get to her/them by beginning to break down the basement door. She pushed her four kids into the crawlspace and followed them in, telling him the police were on the way and she was armed. She kept backing away but he kept coming. When he started to follow them into the crawlspace, she started shooting him, firing four shots and hitting him in the shoulder, neck and chest. 

He was offended that she had shot him and demanded she give first aid and assistance. She, wisely, refused. The police got there shortly before the ambulance and he was transported to the hospital where he later died. I do not believe this felon had any intention of leaving this mother and children alone at any point in his actions.

Again with the look. 

"But he told her that he needed help..." they said to which I replied that she told him she was armed and on the phone with the police. He had many warnings that help was on the way and still proceeded to advance. I do not know a parent or grandparent that would fail to protect their child or grandchild. You might hesitate to protect yourself, but not your kids/grandkids.

By the way, another piece of advice I will give is that anything can be used for a weapon. Somebody trying to carjack you? Run them over. Cars are great weapons. Pens, kitchen utensils, yard tools, hammer or axe, use anything you can get your hands on to protect yourself.

Maybe I am violent, but maybe I have lived exposed to some things you have not. I do not seek out confrontations, but I am willing to protect someone. I will do what I can to avoid being a victim. I will try to walk away when I can. Sometimes you are not allowed to do that. 

Saturday, January 8, 2022

You do not owe me

You do not owe me. I get a lot of different comments at my posts on social media. Most often they are amused. Once in a while people comment that they agree with me, just are not brave enough to post the words themselves. I get it. Not everybody has my mouth. 

I do try to be polite, but I do have my own opinions.

I frequently feel like I should accept friend requests with a caution indicator that I have a pretty twisted sense of humor that can be quite dark. I figure if someone has requested to follow me or accepted my friend request that they have done their due diligence to see if they really do want to follow this freak show. I also fully understand if someone chooses to not follow me for all these reasons. I am just not everybody’s cup of tea. 

And if you do not like what I post or do not agree with my opinions, then why do you follow me? You do not owe me. I rarely have my feelings hurt when someone stops following me or does not accept my friend request. 

I do appreciate the friends that do follow me. I have several that do not interact with me very often and that is okay too. But it brings a smile to my face when someone with whom I have been mutuals for a long time likes something I have posted and then I feel like maybe we still have a little in common. Or at least share a certain part of my sense of humor. 

As I said at the beginning, you do not owe me, but I do appreciate your thumbs up.