This time of year is usually filled with plans and goals people set for themselves for the new year, a time of change, a new beginning. I was never one to make a lot of resolutions. Mine were always just how I planned on trying to be better. The past few years, some of the bloggers I follow have gone the route of selecting a word for their next year. For example, a few of them who were going through some hard times chose resilience. Some chose resistance. One I know chose information/education. They were planning on learning more about their own life and owning the progress they wanted to make. A couple chose compassion. One chose empathy. Another chose love.
I have already written about my efforts to be kinder so I decided that my word for the new year is going to be “Kindness.” I am going to make a conscious effort each day to be kinder. Not just kinder to those I know, but kinder to strangers, kinder to others I come across each day. I want to find ways to show kindness without the grandeur of “Look what I did!” and focus more on quietly, anonymously if at all possible, doing kindness for others.
My challenge to myself is to see how much and how often I can be kind without others noticing. I am doing this for my own benefit. I will not be keeping a score sheet, neither will this turn into an obligation so that I have to force myself to be kind or not make some arbitrary goal.
I just want to be better by being kinder.
How are you going to be kind?
What word are you choosing for this year?
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