Saturday, January 8, 2022

You do not owe me

You do not owe me. I get a lot of different comments at my posts on social media. Most often they are amused. Once in a while people comment that they agree with me, just are not brave enough to post the words themselves. I get it. Not everybody has my mouth. 

I do try to be polite, but I do have my own opinions.

I frequently feel like I should accept friend requests with a caution indicator that I have a pretty twisted sense of humor that can be quite dark. I figure if someone has requested to follow me or accepted my friend request that they have done their due diligence to see if they really do want to follow this freak show. I also fully understand if someone chooses to not follow me for all these reasons. I am just not everybody’s cup of tea. 

And if you do not like what I post or do not agree with my opinions, then why do you follow me? You do not owe me. I rarely have my feelings hurt when someone stops following me or does not accept my friend request. 

I do appreciate the friends that do follow me. I have several that do not interact with me very often and that is okay too. But it brings a smile to my face when someone with whom I have been mutuals for a long time likes something I have posted and then I feel like maybe we still have a little in common. Or at least share a certain part of my sense of humor. 

As I said at the beginning, you do not owe me, but I do appreciate your thumbs up.

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